

         由同济大学(中国)和马德里理工大学(西班牙)主办的2016城市科学国际暑期学校(2016city science summer school,2016c3s)正式开始招募。










主办单位 同济大学 马德里理工大学

承办单位 同济大学建筑城规学院 同济大学中西学院



1. 2016 c3s主题:“关联设计——气候智能校园”

2. 时间和地点:1周,6月29日(周三)-7月6日(周三),上海,同济大学四平校区

3. 活动目的:

        在时间相对集中的工作坊(workshop)期间,2016 c3s将向学生提供平台与机会,将自身所学知识现实化。在工作坊期间,一个符合创业模拟实验原理的、真实的项目将会完整呈现;我们希望通过以学校为模拟载体,体现“未来城市,未来建筑/智能生态校园提升”的主题。




4. 参加人员:


5. 2016 c3s安排:




第三阶段,暑期学校第一天将选出5个最有趣的方案,并进行延伸。学生将被分为5队,对这5个方案在1位导师的指导下进行团队设计。(每队结构:4位学生 1位导师)


6. 选拔标准:

        2016 c3s两个分主题构成——气候关联设计智能响应设计。聚焦在跨学科方向。项目想法要有特点,鼓励设计方案通过多途径关注现阶段都市环境面临的社会挑战及其解决方法。

7. 报名:






8. 参与费用:


9. 所设奖项: 


10. 导师:


peter trummer,奥地利因斯布鲁克大学建筑学院城市设计系主任,全职教授;

jose manuel paez,马德里理工大学原副校长,现驻哈佛大学校长代表;

sergio ramos,马德里理工大学博士,斯德哥尔摩经济学院mba,西班牙ie商学院教授;

claudio feijoo,马德里理工大学驻同济中西学院校长代表,电信方向全职教授;



iñaki abalos, 哈佛gsd研究生院教授建筑系主任abalos sentkiewcz




open call for 111 foreign expert project-supporting 2016 tongji city sciences summer school


          this is an open call for 2016 city science summer school (2016 c3s) held by tongji university (china) and technical university of madrid (upm, spain) at shanghai (china).

          this year, the event is themed as “associative design —— climatic intelligent campus”, in which original ideas, methods and paradigms in response to the innovation and entrepreneur-oriented needs of cities will be explored and tested. lectures and field trips offer various activities alongside the main design / project workshop. results from the summer school will be documented and published, and the projects developed within the 2016 c3s will culminate in an open review by an international jury. the top three projects will be awarded with a prize.


we, hereby, with much honor, would like to invite the students from harvard university, rice university, upm tongji university, and the students from the most 8 prestigious universities in china to participate in this international event.

information and details


1. theme of 2016 c3s: “associative design——climatic intelligent campus”

2. duration and location: 1 week, from june 29th(wednesday) to july 6th(wednesday)in shanghai, china.

3. objectives:

        the 2016 c3s will offer students the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge in an intensive workshop where a realistic practical project will be thoroughly developed, following the rationale of an entrepreneurial experiment lab under the title“associative design —— climatic intelligent campus”. it will also be the chance to join international students from upm, the 8 top chinese universities in architecture, tongji, harvard and rice university in a multicultural multidisciplinary setting, as well as meeting international recognized experts which will help to assess students’ projects and in general will contribute to the exchange of ideas and knowledge. the limited number of participating students (20) will grant an intense learning atmosphere and the full immersion into a process of realistic innovation development.

        there are three major objectives of this course: (i) to use tongji’s siping campus as a living lab for city projects;(ii) to provide students with advanced design concepts, tools and methodologies to improve their trans-disciplinary skills on innovative projects; (iii) to investigate and test the scalability, sustainability and market potential of the ideas behind innovative projects.

        after completing the course, students are expected to understand and be able to use a number of very practical methods to manage theme-oriented innovative projects and/or to pursue their own endeavors following new approaches in the framework of city sciences. new methods and approaches are needed to face the urban challenges of the future, and the c3s sets a starting point for this. this course is also part of city sciences minor offered by tongji university, composed of four additional blocks on architecture and urban planning, icts and big data, society, economy and ecology, construction, mobility and energy.

4. participants:    

        tongji and upm welcome applications from students of diverse academic backgrounds. basically we encourage the students from architecture, urban planning, telecommunication (electronics and information engineering included), environment-related engineering (energy, transportation) and management / economics schools to recommend talented and appropriate candidates. good command of the english language is required to ensure the quality of communication and results. an academic committee will be appointed to assess and shortlist the applications received. we expect to accept 20 students (6-7 applicants from tongji, 4-5 from upm, 3-4 from the eight top chinese universities, and 4-5 from rice university, 1-2 from harvard gsd).

5. structure of 2016 c3s:

phase 1: submission of initial proposal. students submit their initial proposals to cs_summerschool@163.com

deadline for proposals: 15th of may, 2016. see below for details on proposals.

phase 2: selection of the finalists.20 students will be selected to develop their proposals in shanghai, china. announcement of the finalists: 30th of may, 2016

phase 3: selection and development of the five most interesting proposals on the first day of the course. the students will be assigned to 5 different teams and will team work under the tuition of a supervisor on a practical project. (team structure = 4 students 1 supervisor).

phase 4: the five projects will be presented, discussed and evaluated at the end of the course. the jury will select the three best projects which will be awarded.

6. selection criteria:

        the 2016 c3s is structured around two main themes –climatic associative design and intelligent responsive design, focusing on the interdisciplinary approach between them. it is important to develop an own project and highlight how solutions for our societal challenges in an urban environment can be found through many different approaches.

7. submission:

an acceptable application should consist of the following components:

     1.    cover letter (recommended)

     2.    application form (enclosed after)

     3.    curriculum vitae of the applicant

     4.    proposal – free format – max. extension of two pages 

8. expenses:the expenses that participants have already covered depend on the specific agreements signed by the home university and tongji university.

9. awards

top prize            8000rmb

innovative prize 5000rmb

initiative prize      3000rmb

10. supervisors

linxue li, professor and phd supervisor from caup, tongji, visiting scholar of gsd harvard;

peter trummer, professor and chair of institute of urban design, university of innsbruck, austria;

jose manuel paez, full professor, former vice-rector of upm, recent upm rector’s delegate in harvard;

sergio ramos, phd from upm, mba stockholm school of economics, pdg ie business school, expert of the base of future city and architecture (bfca) in tongji university;

claudio feijóo, full professor from upm, upm rector’s delegate in tongji university, expert of the base of future city and architecture (bfca) in tongji university;

weijia tian, assistant professor from caup, tongji.

11. jury members

iñaki abalos, chair of architecture and professor of gsd harvard university & abalos sentkiewicz

zhenyu li, dean, professor and phd supervisor of caup, tongji

xiangning li, vice dean, professor and phd supervisor of caup, tongji, visiting professor of gsd harvard.

annex: application form


2016暑期学校招募通知open call for 2016 tongji city science summer school