同济大学caup全球首发机器人mp打印桥 | digitalfuture shanghai2017国际会议与展览成功举行-凯发国际导航

同济大学caup全球首发机器人mp打印桥 | digitalfuture shanghai2017国际会议与展览成功举行




第一位演讲嘉宾是来自瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(eth)的philippe block,他的演讲主题是”beyond bending: learning from the master building”。philippe block教授在世界各地讲课,并与诸如foster partners,zaha hadid architects,herzog&de meuron,som结构和studio olafur eliasson等设计机构合作,他的作品已在2009年美国纽约市设计三年展、2012年和2016年威尼斯建筑双年展上展出。philippe block教授在eth与他的博士tom van mele一起指导block research group(brg),brg专注于平衡分析,计算形式生成,曲面结构的优化与曲面制造。作为ochsendorf,dejong&block,llc的合伙人,他将他的研究应用于历史古迹和设计的结构评估和新型压缩结构的工程,他的研究赢得了无数奖项。

在讲座中philippe block教授首先介绍了历史砖石结构的平衡分析,接着介绍了对实现平衡的新的图解方法的探索,以实现轻质的拱形及有效的表面结构,从而达到超越砖石的设计。纵观历史,大师们在经济,效率和优雅的限制下发现表现形式,我们应该从建筑和结构原理,设计和分析方法以及施工逻辑中学到很多东西,在建筑遗产基础上开发新颖的结构设计方法,philippe block教授以一系列建筑实践案例展现了自己的探索,有:mlk jr. park vault、mit collier纪念馆、armadillo vault等。

来自东京城市大学的渡边诚教授“can ai make designs ? airchitect ← architectural intelligence”为主题发表演讲,渡边诚是渡边诚建筑事务所主持建筑师,曾执教于岡山県立大学和台湾淡江大学。他的作品的特点是运动感和触觉感知,使来访者想要触摸它;而在理论上,通过对设计行为的言语化和持续探索翻译成计算机程序来传达出来。他是2013/2014年算法设计探索国际程序竞赛、2015年算法设计探索国际座谈会的组织者,他的作品曾荣获多项奖项,包括2002年的日本建筑学会大奖,1997年美国景观设计师协会大奖等。


长江学者特聘教授孙澄“基于虚拟智能的建筑物质性能探索(exploring the materialization performance of architecture based on virtual intelligence )”为主题发表演讲。孙澄教授现任哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院党委书记兼副院长,国家级建筑虚拟仿真实验教学中心主任,中国建筑学会常务理事,全国高校建筑学学科专业指导委员会数工委副主任,曾获中国建筑学会青年建筑师奖、黑龙江省杰出青年基金,其长期致力于数字化建筑设计、公共建筑创作等方面的研究。


来自zaha hadid建筑事务所的 shajay bhooshan“parametric design thinking-practise-embedded architectural research: a decade of code”为主题发表演讲。 shajay bhooshan于2007年加入扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所,一直专注于建筑概念和生产,将理论话语应用到生产制造。作为事务所计算设计研究组(code)的联合创始人,shajay还拥有编程、数学以及工业机器人的专业知识,更是在壳体结构的建筑应用和节点方面作出了巨大贡献。

shajay bhooshan首先从建筑三要素:坚固、适用、美观开始,重新思索参数设计。介绍zhcode从基于物理的设计和基于社会的设计,基于物理的设计包括因素有结构限制、建造限制,基于社会的设计则是基于用户的代理模型进行研究。关于基于物理的设计,shajay从计算机辅助几何设计、共有的几何语言、累积的及协作的设计进行了介绍,并通过一系列例子说明建筑几何、数字建造和空间数据的关系。

来自美国南加州大学建筑系的教授“size matters: the limits of representation”为主题发表演讲。建筑师兼理论家,策展人。同济大学建筑与城规学院客座教授,美国哈佛大学设计研究生院客座教授,欧洲科学院院士,曾执教于多所国际顶尖大学,其理论研究论文众多,自1998年至2017年在国际出版众多书目。



亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计学会(caadria)主席hyunsoo lee“biomimetic inspired facade design for aesthetically well-designed architectural space”为主题发表演讲。hyunsoo lee是亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计学会(caadria)主席,韩国延世大学教授,首尔建筑设计与规划顾问委员会顾问,其研究领域包括生物建筑,老年人住房和数字化建造。他的研究兴趣还在建筑立面和材料技术相结合的数字制作。

hyunsoo lee演讲包括仿生灵感设计的两类主题:一个是灵感来自鸟群的智慧,并解释了如何根据居民的行为来控制建筑立面的百叶窗,描述了通过解释鸟群植树行为,通过立面进行百叶窗控制;第二个主题是开发使用模仿自然形式创作的韩国传统绘画的门面图案设计过程。该演讲总结了使用仿生设计方法的想法,该方法可以是建立精心设计的空间的最强大的方法之一。

建筑师和互动媒体设计师biayna bogosian“sensing urban microclimates”为主题发表演讲。biayna bogosian研究感知和认知交互设计,特别是城市与环境数据模式之间的关系,是洛杉矶“somewhere something”工作室的负责人,在建筑,城市设计,互动设计和数字制作的交互领域工作,改变大众的认知和建设城市的方式。自2011年以来,biayna在哥伦比亚大学建筑规划与保护研究生院和南加大建筑学院教授数字媒体和建筑设计课程。


来自清华大学建筑学院的黄蔚欣副教授“有机结构与数据空间(organic structure & data space)”为主题发表演讲。 黄蔚欣于日本京都大学博士毕业,现任清华大学建筑学院副教授,全国高校建筑学学科专业指导委员会数工委副主任,亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计学会(caadria)组织官员,数字建筑设计专业委员会(dada)委员,dada2013数字建筑国际会议总协调人,近10年来一直在从事数字技术与建筑设计相结合的跨学科研究和教学工作。

黄蔚欣指出“性能化设计”是建筑设计的一种本质性诉求,建筑需求的很多方面都可以被量化为性能,并能够整合在一个包含“生成”与“检验”的数字化设计流程中,使用数据进行分析。区别于传统建筑设计常采用的几何原型,当代数字建筑设计更关注自然有机形态(organic form),自然有机形态是由组成系统的众多个体在运动中相互作用,逐步演化而成,而这个动态过程与“信息生成形态”的概念是一致的。黄蔚欣教授试图探讨建筑性能(特别是结构性能)信息经过数字化转译而得到自然有机形态的途径,并通过多个案例展现了对这一主题的探索。

设计师和科学家behnaz farahi“3d printed interactive body architecture”为主题发表演讲。behnaz farahi是一位具有创造力的杰出设计师和科学家,她的主要研究横跨时尚,建筑和交互设计领域。她在作为建筑师的培养过程中,着力探索交互环境与人体关系的潜力。她还专注于物理计算,传感器技术,增材制造和机器人建造技术。她目前是南加州大学电影艺术学院的跨学科媒体艺术和实践的研究员,博士在读生,拥有建筑学士学位和两个硕士学位。


扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所主持建筑师、合伙人patrik schumacher“tectonic articulation in the context of architectural semiology”为主题发表演讲。patrik schumacher是扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所主持建筑师、合伙人;英国皇家建筑师协会成员。曾在英国,欧洲,美国多所建筑院校任教,并且是伦敦建筑联盟学校(aa)设计研究实验室(drl)的联合主任。他也是一名理论家,专注于参数化主义设计。在舒马赫先生看来,利用算法、计算机设计和新型材料塑造建筑物的参数化主义是后现代主义的继承者。






7月1日下午1:30,建造工作营成果汇报在同济大学建筑与城市规划学院b楼钟庭报告厅举行,工作营11个小组进行了成果汇报,并由各组的指导导师为小组成员颁发了结业证,同时,每个小组各选出一名优秀学员。成果汇报结束后,全体成员前往c楼地下展厅,室外展出的全球第一组3d打印步行桥吸引了众多人的目光,3d打印的小桥和大桥的跨度分别达到4m和11m,来自第4小组的无人机群引得大家的围观拍照。之后,在c楼地下展厅,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院院长李振宇为展览开幕发表致辞,袁烽教授主持了“上海数字未来”展览开幕,patrik schumacher、philippe block、matias del compo、behnaz farahi、biayna bogosian、渡边淳、黄蔚欣、王文栋、孙澄宇、臧伟、steven ma等嘉宾发表讲话。



本次活动由上海建筑数字建筑工程技术研究中心、同济大学建筑与城市规划学院以及同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司联合主办;由中国数字建筑设计专业委员会(dada)、fab-union和中国高等学校建筑学科专业指导委员会-建筑数字技术教学工作委员会协办;由库卡机器人(上海)有限公司、昆仑绿建、异型数控营造、3d systems、arup、置景(上海)科技有限公司、association for robots in architecture特别赞助;同时,《建筑学报》《世界建筑》《时代建筑》《建筑师》《新建筑》《城市建筑》《建筑技艺》等多家媒体为本次活动提供支持。

主办方同济大学建筑与城市规划学院袁烽教授邀请到了来自全球高校的8位优秀的导师,并有8台机器人、2台cnc计算机数字控制机床、5台无人机、uwb室内定位设备、热成像仪和多台3d打印机的设备支持。今年暑期工作营有近300名学员报名,组委会从众多的报名者中根据志愿情况挑选出来146名学员,他们分别来自16所海外和39所国内共55所国内外高校以及12所建筑设计机构。其中国际学员包括来自南加州建筑学院(sci-arc)、建筑联盟学院(aa)、加州大学伯克利分校(university of california, berkeley)、伦敦大学学院(ucl)、法尔茅斯大学(falmouth university)等海外先锋院校,及来自同济大学、清华大学、东南大学、华南理工大学、天津大学、浙江大学等在内的国内高校的教师、硕博研究生及本科生。



1. rhino vault

指导团队:philippe block教授(苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑学技术学院(eth),瑞士国家技术研究中心(nccr)主任)

shajay bhooshan(扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所(zha | code))



本组工作营由苏黎世联邦理工学院(eth)philippe block研究组与扎哈·哈迪德数字设计研究小组联合教学的。以机器人3d黏土打印为基础,从结构信息建模,转换为打印路径,最终实现实体建造,打印完成的拱石组件将用于搭建成更大的拱形结构。学生使用rhinovault插件来找形与结构优化分析,同时操作3d陶土打印与烧制,最终组装成结构优化的拱形装置。

it’s a joint workshop/ collaboration between the block research group at eth zurich and the computation and design group at zaha hadid architects.based on robotic 3d printing of clay, a joint research project in which we focus on structurally informed modelling of such objects and processes.printed ceramic voussoirs/bricks to assembly a larg(er) self-supporting cellular or shell structure, as a formwork . students use rhinovault plugin to do forming finding and structure optimization research. also be able to operate robotic clay printing & firing and then assemble printed brick into a shell structure.



2. 机器人木缝纫

指导团队:achim menges教授

martín alvarez(德国斯图加特大学计算设计学院)

erik eugenio martinez parachini(德国haas cook zemmrich studio2050)




the workshop explore digital fabrication concepts for robotic timber sewn assemblies where flat sheets of plywood are turned into complex 3-dimensional free-form shapes by using sewing as a straight forward connection. three investigations in elastically bent robotically sewn wood were developed in parallel trajectories. students individually explored textile patterning and fabric manipulation techniques to create material systems in thin sheet material, in an effort to scale up into thicker materials such as wood. student groups developed a selection of these material systems in large scale segments to create a tectonic strategy capable of creating enclosure, these prototypes were fabricated aiming to be built at an architectural scale. a large scale demonstrator was constructed in wood to showcase the capabilites of the system in full scale, and to showcase the automated robotic sewing system.



3.  3d打印的身体建筑学

指导团队:behnaz farahi(南加州大学)



学生团队:anna nikolaidou,赖坚,程雨阳,李佳枫,江酉玥 ,曾绍庭,梁丹,常雪石,罗劬,马诗琪,陈铭家,杨柳,崔强,汪宇宸,dascia kryvko,刘迪


the relationship between the body and architecture has a long history. from vitruvius onwards there have been attempts to relate buildings to the proportions of the human figure. more recently the connection between the body and architecture has developed into an interest in the fashion industry among architects producing some exquisitely designed 3d printed clothing.the workshop addresses two initial issues. firstly, by looking at natural patterns in nature - such as patterns of growth, branching and packing – we will study dynamic behaviors in nature. following some initial tutorials in grasshopper, students will be able to generate bio-inspired patterns. the intention behind studying these geometries is to understand dynamic material behaviors such as linear or curvilinear movements. secondly, by looking at the human body as a context for these forms we will reflect on how the body itself operates. by studying the mechanical and physical properties of the human body - skin tension, muscle movement, force distribution, and so on - we will attempt to relate the bio-inspired patterns to the geometries and behaviors of the human body.finally we move on to the 3d printing process itself. the intention is to design and print ‘body architectures’ – 3d printed garments that relate to the scale and movement of the human body. we use nylon sls printing technology that normally produces rigid objects. however, by understanding differentiated material distribution we also be able to produce flexible structures.



4. 无人机群感应的城市环境

指导团队:biayna bogosian(南加州大学)

臧伟 (同济大学数字设计研究中心(ddrc))




this course focuses on spatio-temporal aerial mapping of urban environments, with emphasis on field application of sensors and visualization technologies. this course aims to introduce the participants to the theoretical and technical framework of urban environmental mapping, to understand the influence of urban parameters. this course focuses on spatio-temporal aerial mapping of urban environments, with emphasis on field application of sensors and visualization technologies. this courseaims to introduce the participants to the theoretical and technical framework of urban environmental mapping, to understand the influence of urban parameters such as,building morphology, vegetation, or topographical variations in urban microclimates. we will use the campus of the tongji university as the case study of our investigations,and will operate drones equipped with sensors and cameras to document the environment. through lectures and hands-on exercises, participants will employ variouscustom toolsets to visualize and analyze the collected data against gis databases in qgis and rhino3d/grasshopper environments. this course will culminate in composition and presentation of videos that will demonstrate the students’ workflows and analysis.



6. 超薄纸板大跨建构






this workshop aims to explore and study a new conceptual design method for the shell structure with thin sheet materials based on the materials’ structural behavior. a small free-form shell is built finally as a demonstrator for the structural concept. at the same time, the workshop also review the development of shell structures and its changes in structural typology from the last century to the recent years. through the discussion, a material-performance-based design method is introduced as a design methodology. finally, the course present a new design logic of the structure of the shell and explore the morphological design method based on the specific materials.through the study of the design process, students learn the form-finding methods of shell structures and the software simulation process. at the same time, through the construction process of the structure, the consideration and optimization of the construction details also be understood. in the end, each participant also use the design tool of the workshop to complete a personalized shell design.



7. 数字化折纸编程





scripting “paper fold” can synthesize, transform and deform complex geometric shapes and variable space, thus it gives a new attempt for spatial expression. the final result is a large scale spatial folding device made by thin plate. students learn and use a variety of numerical, programming, computing and other parametric methods for project design.the software used for design is rhino and rhinoscript programming. the purpose is to stimulate students' spatial imagination, to studythe attributes of various changes on complex geometric forms, and combineit with physical models, and to create new forms of language with the aid of paper.


8. 虚拟现实:从诗歌到场所的转换








today, we see more and more vr technology being used in our daily life, this has brought inspirations to architects, too. this workshop explores the multiple meaning of vr through converting poems to virtual places.as a place in architectural context, it includes a space, people in activities, and other sensible elements such as rain. it is expected to touch the heart of visitors according to the meaning of the poem, the feeling, or any other perspectives that are related to the context. within the given time, students join others to form teams with 2-3 people, each team complete the conversion of one poem to one virtual place, including creating the 3d model, building the space, recording the activities. students should consider the outcome as a piece of art by fully exploring the potential of the place and expressing their meaning and feelings without needing to consider any real world or technical constraints, such as the materials, details, and structures.


9. 风洞可视化






this workshop aims to apply the physical wind tunnel and ar (augmented reality) tools to explore the possibility of building form in the early stage of architectural design, so that the environmental performance becomes the driving parameter during the design. the physical wind tunnel provides an intuitive and fast visualization platform for both qualitative and quantitative simulation of urban built environments including wind and heat environment. therefore, the architects establish a data-controlled model through interactive equipment, as well as matrix arranged sensing devices, to iterate the basic architectural geometry and wind environment data to obtain a basic geometry according to environmental comfort index. meanwhile, based on cfd numerical simulation, generated multi-point pseudo-color map and streamline map, integrating with ar technology from above wind environment simulation results bring in "reality" to enhance the visual experience of space and environment. in the aspect of materialization, the wind tunnel is used as the main simulation tool for wind environment, which contributes the related research and conceptual design of the building form. the interaction between the wind environment data and the building morphology is generated.under the condition of comfortable wind speed and temperature, the final architectural geometry will be analyzed and further generated. in terms of the visualization, the use of different tools to study the invisible elements of the wind, and the results reflected in the adjustment and design of the building form: the physical aspects that relies on smoke visualization tools to observe the flow around the building; while digital aspects, based on the cfd calculation results, the establishment of ar technology with the customized app, through the camera to observe the different phenomenon of air flow. 




10. 行为可视化





based on the data acquisition and analysis, this project adopts the indoor positioning system to carry out the work of data acquisition and behavior investigation. the visualization programming and statistical algorithm are used to extract the behavior information in the massive data, which provides the basis for the refinement and quantitative research of the behavior in the building space.   






11. 机器人3d打印





robotic platform provide new possibilities to the development of 3d printing technology. no matter in the printing size of the print of complex system, robot makes the feasibility of application of 3d printing technology in architectural field greatly increased. in this workshop, we base on the 3d printing technology and structural performance based design to explore the large scale 3d printing in architectural products.we use robotic 3d printing to achieve the mass production of customized components. finally we print 2 bridges, 4m and 11m in span respectively, in which way the structural stability and reliability can be proved.  


12. 机器人木构



学生团队:dario marino,张瀛心,江旭莹,周博,吴宛霖,金晋磎,刘琳琳


the workshop aims to explore the "structural geometry" design methods and robotic fabrication approaches of wooden architecture. taking the gridshell structure as the prototype, the workshop explores the potential of "post-forming" wooden gridshell in free-form structures. firstly, the form-finding process of the free-form gridshells is simulated and optimized on the designplatform. then, the dimensions of the gridshell members are optimized through structural performance analysis. finally, robotic fabrication tools are used to make custom production of structural members. the whole process integrates the material properties, structural performance, form-finding method and fabrication constraints into the design and construction of the spatial gridshell structure. participants will complete the form-finding, structural optimization and model-making of a series of gridshell prototype. and the final outcome will be a fullscale gridshell pavilion fabricated by robot.





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