caup english course list – graduate
course code | course name | department | instructor | class hours | tongji credit | teaching form | term |
2010152 | writing a master's thesis 论文选题与写作方法 | architecture | zhou jingmin 周静敏 | 18 | 1 | seminar | spring |
2010016 | urban housing forms 现代住宅类型学 | architecture | zhou jingmin 周静敏 | 36 | 2 | seminar | spring |
2010285 | art pottery 陶艺与造型 | architecture | tian weijia 田唯佳 | 36 | 2 | lecture workshop | fall |
2010168 | comparative studies on chinese and german architecture 中德建筑比较 | architecture | dong nannan 董楠楠 | 36 | 2 | lecture seminar | fall |
2010275 | case study and criticism in urban design 城市设计评论与案例研究 | architecture | yang chunxia 杨春侠 | 36 | 2 | lecture seminar | spring |
2010033 | principles of architectural design 建筑设计原理 | architecture | wang yi 王一 | 36 | 2 | lecture | fall |
2010365 | advanced debate on theory, history and methodology of digital architecture 数字建筑学的理论历史与讨论方法 | architecture | yuan feng 袁烽 | 36 | 2 | lecture seminar | fall |
2010357 | the topics of chinese architecture history 中国建筑史专题 | architecture | li yingchun 李颖春 | 36 | 2 | lecture seminar | spring |
20001630007 | review of the architectural and urban 当代中国建筑与城市文化 | architecture | li xiangning 李翔宁 | 36 | 2 | lecture | fall |
20001630019 | urban design theory and practice study 城市设计理论与城市片区规划发展问题 | architecture | sha yongjie 沙永杰 | 36 | 2 | lecture | fall |
2010334 | an introductory course on studies of modern chinese architecture:paradigms and themes 中国当代建筑研究导论:范式与主题 | architecture | hua xiahong wang kai 华霞虹&王凯 | 36 | 2 | lecture seminar | spring |
2010335 | the history & theory of chinese modern urban architecture 中国近现代城市建筑的历史与理论 | architecture | mei qing 梅青 | 36 | 2 | lecture | spring |
20001630021 | the interdependence of theory, practice and criticism in architecture 建筑理论批评与实践 | architecture | hu rushan jiang jiawei 胡如珊 江嘉玮 | 36 | 2 | lecture | fall |
2010342 | interpretation of the contemporary arts events of china (in german) 中国当代艺术活动的案例解析(德语授课) | architecture | yu xingze 于幸泽 | 18 | 1 | lecture | fall |
2010372 | sculpture 雕塑空间艺术 | architecture | yu xingze 于幸泽 | 36 | 2 | lecture | spring |
20001630011 | architecture design core studio iii 建筑设计ⅲ | architecture | deng feng 邓丰 | 72 | 4 | design studio | fall |
20001630014 | optional design studio iv 专题设计iv | architecture | 72 | 4 | design studio | fall/spring | |
20001630006 | the making of modern cities 现代城市的形成 | architecture | li yanbo 李彦伯 | 36 | 2 | lecture seminar | fall |
2010346 | design frontier 设计前沿 | architecture | hu rushan 胡如珊 | 36 | 2 | lecture | spring |
2010324 | the relationship between the culture and the plastic arts in china 中国文化与造型 | architecture | hu wei 胡炜 | 36 | 2 | lecture | fall |
2010281 | frontiers of architecture 建筑学学科前沿动态 | architecture | tan zheng 谭峥 | 36 | 2 | lecture | fall/spring |
2010374 | comparative studies on chinese and american urban development 中美城市发展比较 | urban planning | wang lan 王兰 | 18 | 1 | lecture seminar | fall/spring |
2010371 | urban mobility and transport: emerging issues and planning practices in china 中国城市交通与规划选题选讲 | urban planning | zhuo jian 卓健 | 36 | 2 | lecture seminar | fall |
2010403 | introduction & comparison of china-europe spatial planning 中欧空间规划比较 | urban planning | chen yao 程遥 | 18 | 1 | lecture seminar | spring |
2010375 | research methodologies for urban studies 城市研究方法 | urban planning | diao mi 刁弥 | 18 | 1 | lecture | fall |
20001630012 | urban sociology 城市社会学 | urban planning | yang guiqing 杨贵庆 | 18 | 1 | lecture | spring |
2010345 | urban housing policy 城市住房与政策 | urban planning | li qing 李晴 | 18 | 1 | lecture seminar | spring |
20001630005 | urban culture, society and space 城市文化、社会与空间 | urban planning | yang chen 杨辰 | 18 | 1 | lecture | spring |
2010402 | urban design 城市设计 | urban planning | li qing 李晴 | 72 | 2 | lecture | fall |
2010259 | landscape theory 景观学理论 | landscape | wang jieqion 汪洁琼 | 36 | 2 | lecture | fall |
2010232 | chinese and western classical garden 中西园林比较 | landscape | zhou xiangpin zhou hongjun 周向频/周宏俊 | 36 | 2 | lecture | fall |
2010239 | culture heritage conservation and sustainability (heritage conservation and development) 遗产保护与发展 | landscape | han feng 韩锋 | 36 | 2 | lecture seminar | fall |
2010241 | planning principles and methods of landscape plants 植物景观规划原理与方法 | landscape | zhang deshun 张德顺 | 36 | 2 | lecture workshop | spring |
2010409 | landscape planning and design 1 景观规划与设计(一) | landscape | wang min 王敏 | 72 | 2 | design studio | fall/spring |
2010392 | landscape planning and design 2 景观规划与设计(二) | landscape | dong nanna 董楠楠 | 72 | 2 | design studio | fall |
2010095 | studies of human inhabitation & settlement environment 人类聚居环境学 | landscape | shao yuhan 邵钰涵 | 36 | 2 | seminar | fall |
2010235 | principles and methods of landscape ecological planning 景观生态规划原理与方法 | landscape | wang yuncai 王云才 | 36 | 2 | seminar | fall |
20001630016 | vertical garden city: planning, design and technology 立体园林城市:规划、设计与技术 | landscape | dong nanna 董楠楠 | 36 | 2 | lecture | spring |
caup english course list – undergraduate
no. | course code | course name | department | tongji credit | instructor |
1 | 2037901 | 毕业设计 graduation project | architecture | 16 | 屈张/闫超 qu zhang/yan chao |
2 | 2049101 | 材料与建造 material and construction | architecture | 1 | 陈镌 chen juan |
3 | 20376 | 城市阅读 city reading | architecture | 2 | 刘刚 liu gang |
4 | 20500 | 传承与创造:砖木雕的“技”与“艺” tradition-based contemporary expression:brick & wood carving | architecture | 2 | 王珂 wang ke |
5 | 2040401 | 当代大型公共建筑综述 introduction to contemporary large public building | architecture | 2 | 王桢栋 wang zhendong |
6 | 21331 | 雕塑 sculpture | architecture | 2 | 于幸泽 yu xingze |
7 | 50001630002 | 风土建筑概说 | architecture | 2 | |
8 | 20523 | 公共住宅:设计与研究 public housing-issues of housing design and research | architecture | 2 | 贺永 he yong |
9 | 20395 | 计算机辅助设计 generation in computer aided architectural design | architecture | 2 | 孙澄宇 sun chengyu |
10 | 2049301 | 建筑法规 chinese building codes in architecture | architecture | 1 | 张雪伟 zhang xuewei |
11 | 2049401 | 建筑防灾 disasters prevention in architecture | architecture | 1 | 周健 zhou jian |
12 | 2035301 | 建筑概论 introduction to architectural theory | architecture | 2 | 岑伟/陈洁 cen wei/chen jie |
13 | 2053101 | 建筑构造与结构 architecture structure and construction | architecture | 2 | 陈镌/金倩 chen juan/jin qian |
14 | 2053301 | 建筑理论与历史 i architecture history and theory | architecture | 2 | 李颖春 li yingchun |
15 | 2053401 | 建筑理论与历史 ii architecture history and theory | architecture | 2 | 周鸣浩 zhou minghao |
16 | 2052701 | 建筑设计ⅰ architectural design-1 | architecture | 4 | 俞泳/王一名 yu yong/wangyiming |
17 | 2052901 | 建筑设计ii architectural design-2 | architecture | 4 | 江嘉玮 jiang jiawei |
18 | 20428 | 建筑设计概论 theories of architectural deign | architecture | 2 | 俞泳 yu yong |
19 | 2049201 | 建筑师职业教育 professional practice | architecture | 1 | 张雪伟 zhang xuewei |
20 | 2037501 | 建筑史 history of architecture | architecture | 2 | 周鸣浩/李颖春 zhou minghao/li yingchun |
21 | 2053201 | 建筑物理 building physics | architecture | 2 | 黄子硕/杨婷婷/吴宇杰 huang zishuo/yang tingting wu yujie |
22 | 2040501 | 建筑遗产保护法规与管理 legislation and management of historic preservation | architecture | 1 | 王红军 wang hongjun |
23 | 2026101 | 建筑专业英语 architectural english | architecture | 2 | 金倩 jin qian |
24 | 20537 | 蜡染与扎染——织物艺术设计 batik and tie-dye--fabric art design | architecture | 2 | 田唯佳/卢璐 tian weijia/lu lu |
25 | 20378 | 历史环境实录 | architecture | 4 | 俞泳 yu yong |
26 | 20522 | 气候响应性设计概论 introduction to climate-responsive design method | architecture | 2 | 杨峰 yang feng |
27 | 50001630003 | 全球视角下的现代中国及其城市化 | architecture | 1 | |
28 | 2035101 | 设计概论 introduction to design theory | architecture | 2 | 岑伟 cen wei |
29 | 20429 | 设计基础ⅰ design fundamentals | architecture | 4 | 岑伟 cen wei |
30 | 20495 | 设计基础ⅱ design fundamentals | architecture | 4 | 岑伟/陈洁 cen wei/chen jie |
31 | 20558 | 设计基础ⅲ design fundamentals | architecture | 8 | 俞泳 yu yong |
32 | 2053501 | 数字化建筑 digital architecture | architecture | 6 | 王祥 wang xiang |
33 | 2021701 | 数字化设计前沿 digital design frontiers: embodied computation | architecture | 2 | 闫超 yan chao |
34 | 21327 | 陶艺设计 art pottery: forming method | architecture | 2 | 田唯佳 tian weijia |
35 | 2030601 | 图解城市 mapping the city: morphology, image and history | architecture | 2 | 姚栋 yao dong |
36 | 20371 | 文献阅读与写作 academic literature reading and writing | architecture | 4 | 华霞虹 hua xiahong |
37 | 2037101 | 文献阅读与写作 academic literature reading and writing | architecture | 4 | 华霞虹 hua xiahong |
38 | 50001630004 | 亚洲建筑与城市概论 | architecture | 1 | |
39 | 2037401 | 艺术史 art history | architecture | 2 | 胡炜 hu wei |
40 | 20421 | 艺术造型(1) art modeling | architecture | 3 | 赵巍岩 zhao weiyan |
41 | 20422 | 艺术造型(2) art modeling | architecture | 3 | 赵巍岩 zhao weiyan |
42 | 20377 | 艺术造型实习 | architecture | 4 | 赵巍岩 zhao weiyan |
43 | 2016801 | 纸居艺术设计 art and design of paper construction | architecture | 3 | 张雪伟 zhang xuewei |
44 | 2009601 | 中国传统绘画工笔技法 chinese traditional painting | architecture | 2 | 胡炜 hu wei |
45 | 2031401 | 中国当代城市规划与设计专题研讨 discussion on contemporary urban planning and design in china | architecture | 2 | ariewillemdenhartog |
46 | 20382 | 中西艺术比较 comparative study on chinese and western | architecture | 1.5 | 胡炜 hu wei |
47 | 2052801 | 专题设计 i thematic design studio ii | architecture | 8 | 扈龑喆/江嘉玮 hu yanzhe/jiang jiawei |
48 | 2053001 | 专题设计 ii thematic design studio ii | architecture | 8 | 屈张/余中奇 qu zhang/yu zhongqi |
49 | 20233 | 城市规划专业英语 professional english for urban planning | urban planning | 2 | 肖扬 xiao yang |
50 | 20505 | 城市数据可视化与计算 urban data visualization and analytics | urban planning | 1 | 刘超 liu chao |
51 | 20498 | 城市政策与规划 urban policy and planning | urban planning | 1 | 李凌月 li lingyue |
52 | 20419 | 空间规划方法概论 introduction to spatial planningmethods | urban planning | 1 | 周新刚 zhou xingang |
53 | 20576 | 城市空间规划和发展战略 urban spatial planning and development strategy | urban planning | 1 | 王兰 wan lan |
54 | 20578 | 计算机辅助设计 computer aided design | urban planning | 1 | 庞磊 pang lei |
55 | 20579 | 城市规划与问卷调查 urban planning and survey design | urban planning | 1 | 肖扬 xiao yang |
56 | 20580 | 城市几何学 urban geometry | urban planning | 1 | 沈尧 shen yao |
57 | 20581 | 城市模型与解释 urban modelling and interpretation | urban planning | 1 | 沈尧shen yao |
58 | 20582 | 国土空间规划智能规划方法 intelligent planning methods in territorial spatial planning | urban planning | 1 | 周新刚 zhou xingang |
59 | 20583 | 快速城市化进程中的城市可持续交通 sustainable mobility in rapidly urbanizing world | urban planning | 1 | 刁弥 diao mi |
60 | 20584 | 城市住房政策概论 introduction to urban housing policy | urban planning | 1 | 李晴 li qing |
61 | 2058501 | 城市社会学研究方法概论 research method in urban sociology | urban planning | 1 | 黄璜 huang huang |
62 | 20412 | 中国园林西方研究导论 introduction to western studies on chinese garden | landscape | 1 | 周宏俊 zhou hongjun |
63 | 20410 | 数字化遗产景观 digital heritage landscapes | landscape | 1 | 杨晨 yang chen |
64 | 20319 | 现代生命科学与人居环境 modern life science and human settlements | landscape | 2 | 陈静 chen jing |
65 | 50001630023 | 人本导向绿色基础设施分析 human-centered green infrastructure analysis | landscape | 2 | 陈筝 chen zheng |