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(you are required to seek permission if another language, which is considered more appropriate to the subject, is to be used in the presentation of the thesis. please submit the justification together with this application.) i undertake to abide by the general regulations of the university. signature date name during the application period after completing sections 1 to 8, the applicant should upload this form to the eadmission system at hyperlink "../appdata/local/microsoft/windows/inetcache/content.outlook/appdata/local/microsoft/windows/inetcache/content.outlook/ia3nd8ni/www.polyu.edu.hk/admission"www.polyu.edu.hk/admission. after admission rpg students should submit this form to the general office of the department after completing sections 1 to 8. form gsb/1a (page 4) for internal use only. applicants should leave sections 9 and 10 blank. endorsement by the proposed chief supervisor 9a. research ethics/ safety approval [for ethics approval, chief supervisor / temporary chief supervisor please read the ethical clearance for research or teaching projects or investigations involving human subjects, which are available at section v of the handbook for projects and grants at  hyperlink "https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ro/staff/handbooks/hd_pg.pdf" https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ro/staff/handbooks/hd_pg.pdf, and make sure that ethics approval is�obtained if your project involves human subjects.��for safety approval, please read the policy and procedures for safety approval available at the health, safety & environment office homepage. please attach the approval letter where appropriate.] i confirm that approval: * has been * is not required * will be obtained obtained before the start of the project human research ethics animal research ethics biological safety ionizing radiation safety  non-ionizing radiation safety  chemical safety (* please tick as appropriate) 9b. research facilities and space  i confirm, to the best of my knowledge, that adequate facilities and space are available to enable the student to conduct and complete the research programme in an efficient and safe manner.  i would like to request the following additional research facilities and/or space to enable the student to conduct and complete the research programme in an efficient and safe manner: research facilitiesspace (other than the regular space provided by the department for rpg students) signature department/school (^ chief supervisor / temporary chief supervisor) name date (^ chief supervisor / temporary chief supervisor) (^ please delete as appropriate) form gsb/1a (page 5) 10. recommendation of head of affiliated department in the university  i support this application and understand, on the basis of the chief supervisor�s endorsement, that adequate research facilities and space are available to enable the student to conduct and complete the research programme in an efficient and safe manner.  i support this application and agree to provide the additional research facilities and/or space, as requested by the chief supervisor in section 9b above, to enable the student to conduct and complete the research programme in an efficient and safe manner. signature date (head of department/dean of school) ~ the completed form should be kept by the general office of the department. ~ gsb/1a       "%')*346z\tv���ǹ���}�o`roc5c5h�accjojqjmh sh h�ac5�cjojqjmh sh h��cjojqjmh sh h��5�cjojqjmh sh h�accjojqjmh sh  ho[@h� �cjmh nhsh th ho[@hq1 cjmh nhsh thho[@h� �cjmh sh ho[@h�accjmh sh h��cjojqjmh sh ho[@ho[@cjmh sh h�#gho[@cjmh sh ho[@ho[@5�cjmh sh h�#gho[@5�cjajmh sh )*456[\������pn"$ �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'1$a$$ � c�p �� �!�$`'1$a$-$ �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'����1$]��^��a$gd�� $ �x 1$a$$ ��� �1$]� �a$gd��-$ �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'����1$]��^��a$gdo[@\uv�� @ a b ���������gg*$ �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'���0�1$^��`�0�a$($ & f �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'1$a$gd� � $ ��*$a$gd�#�"$ �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'1$a$$ � c�p �� �!�$`'1$a$ v��� c q v � � � � �       # ����ǹ�ǩǩǜljlj|m]m]>�ho[@h�accjajmh sh h�#gh� �5�cjajmh sh h�#gh�ac5�cjajmh sh h�ac5�cjojqjmh sh h�acojqjmh sh %h�accjojqjmh nho(sh thh� �cjojqjmh sh h�ac5�cjojqjmh sh h� �5�cjojqjmh sh h�accjojqjmh sh h�?�h�#�@��� h�#�@���h�#�cjojqjmh sh h�accjojqjmh sh b c r s t u v � � � � � � � � � � ����������������"$ �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'1$a$($ & f �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'1$a$gd� �*$ �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'���0�1$^��`�0�a$� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ����������������%$ �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'1$a$gd� �($ & f �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'1$a$gd� �"$ �50���p@ ���p �� �!�$`'1$a$�         ! 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